
الأربعاء، 18 مايو 2011


Video about water scarcity

Video about water scarcity 

??how can save water for future generation

Water can be simply conserved for the future generation by following many a aspects . If we use an energy star rated washing machine, less water can be used for washing . Washing with cold water can also lead to less wash. Than bottled water. Checking for leakage using low flow shower head , and capturing shower water and using it to toilet water lead to less water consumption .   

My goal of the action that blog is :

      Our legacy is how to save the water for future generation because the risk of water shortage will be very serious in the future  . 
My  opinion about water scarcity 

water pollution can be one of the major cause of water scarcity , because although there will be a lot of water available if it is polluted it cannot be use .   

الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2011

??how can save water for future generation

Water can be simply conserved for the future generation by following many a aspects . If we use an energy star rated washing machine, less water can be used for washing . Washing with cold water can also lead to less wash. Than bottled water. Checking for leakage using low flow shower head , and capturing shower water and using it to toilet water lead to less water consumption .   

reasons for water shortage

There are many reasons for water shortage one of the major cause is the continuous growth of population versus fixed water supply, the chmatic change and severe drought can also be a main causing reason on , even water pollution has a direct effect on the scarcity of water . The economic them to use funds for development of programmers others than reducing water scarcity. Even more there some social and cultural a aspects which 
have a negative effect on environment such as deforestatio
growth of population 